Who We Are?

Nyasa Big Bullets Football Club (NBBFC) was formed in 1967 by a group of football players who split from Mighty Wanderers in Blantyre. The original name was Blantyre City Stars with a certain level of support from Blantyre City Council before the club managed to source sponsorship from Bata Shoe Company and was renamed to Bata Bullets. Bata Shoe Company bankrolled the club for nearly a quarter of a century until the petroleum firm —TOTAL Malawi stepped in during the early 1990s.

In 2003, the then President of Malawi Dr. Bakili Muluzi adopted the team and renamed it Bakili Bullets. It was during this period that the team enjoyed one of its glamorous periods, reaching the lucrative group stages of the CAF Champions League in 2004. After Dr. Muluzi’s sponsorship receded, CIFU Group came in, but their stay was short-lived with the club going through a spell without a serious sponsor until 2016, when the cigarette firm, Nyasa Manufacturing Company, came in and later became a major shareholder in a newly created commercial football club. The club was renamed Nyasa Big Bullets and it remains the same to this date.

The new organization structure has addressed most of the previous shortfalls, which was lack of ownership, which entailed that no one was interested in investing money in the club knowing so well that the entity belonged to everyone, hence a serious risk to any form of individual investment. The new club owners — Nyasa Manufacturing Company have invested massively for the past 5 years pumping over MK400 million each year and this has allowed the club to win the Super League for three consecutive years and has been participating in each of the CAF Championship League competition since 2017.

Our Mission

NBBFC is committed to upholding the highest levels of professionalism in all its endeavors and business dealings.

We surround ourselves with Love & Peace because we are passionate and care about our stakeholders and fan base.

Our fan base is our greatest asset and the key to our success throughout the years.

In appreciation of this loyalty, NBBFC will continually strive to maintain excellence both on and off the field.

Through our youth development programme, we aim to unlock the full potential of individuals in a scientific and professional manner, both on the field and through education. We aim to prepare the youth for the future by equipping them with the necessary life skills to enable them to maximize their potential as players and people, thereby contributing to the well-being and development of our country and the continent.

Our Vision

i) To become the pre-eminent African football brand that people of all races can identify with.

ii) To continue to develop the game in the country and on the African continent and help Africa compete on the world stage.

iii) To become a global brand that is recognizable the world over.

iv) Continue building and upholding the legacy left by our founding fathers. To inspire hope and contribute to building the nation by uniting South Africans through sport.


We respect and obey the law of the country at all times.


Our work environment is safe, healthy and non-discriminatory. We respect the dignity of every individual as per the constitution of the country. We embrace diversity and our differences.


Our core values and guiding principles are honesty, integrity, hard work, respect for others, truthfulness, trustworthiness, loyalty, responsibility for personal actions, generosity and kindness.


We see our supporters, sponsors and/or partners and employees as important stakeholders in our business and we ensure we deliver on our promises. We aim to always be trustworthy.


We’ve always been driven to excel in all we do. We are professional and run our business properly. As a brand, we aim to maintain the high standards we’ve set ourselves at all times.


We are always accessible to all our partners and supporters. We listen to them and share feedback via our various platforms of communication.


Our supporters are the cornerstone of NBBFC’s existence and all our efforts are focused on good relationships, understanding and meeting their needs consistently.


We care for the environment and the communities in which we operate. We promote healthy living, a clean and safe environment.


We embrace individuals but we always work in teams – on and off the pitch.


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