In compliance with the set protocols, Nyasa Big Bullets FC sent its nine coaching staff, 22 players, two media officials and three first team security officials for the Covid-19 test.
The Presidential Task Force on Covid-19 and the Football Association of Malawi advised all Super League Teams to go for tests before the resumption of the 2020/21 soccer season that was suspended in March due to the pandemic.
The test, which was performed in Blantyre on Tuesday, 6 October 2020, produced negative results for every individual who underwent it.
Rabson Chiyenda, whose previous three tests conducted while he was in camp with the Malawi national team came out positive, is one of the players whose test results are now negative at last.
The number of players and coaching staff who were tested excludes six players and one official, who are currently with the Malawi national team.
Our players and officials have been advised to remain steadfastly compliant with healthy and safety measures as the new football season is about to start.